- We transform, turn-around, and stand-up B2B companies as competitive, agile, and dominant players in their industry. Open Path exists to help you grow your business and secure a better future for your family, employees and community.
Our team's practical industry experience as corporate leaders, entrepreneurs, and change-agents accelerates your ability to scale revenues, improve brand positioning, and sustainably grow your company. We partner with and build Growth Engines for our clients, which leverage best-in-class marketing, sales, and service strategies in a unified platform that's customized for your business model and designed to help reach your goals quickly.
We'll work with you to identify a customized, ROI-driven plan to help you achieve your goals quickly and put your company on a sustainable growth trajectory. Chris Thornton
Co-Founder, CEO & Chief StrategistWelding hydraulic cylinders helped pay my way through college, while engineering work at Johnson & Johnson and Texas Instruments paid for my MBA. I learned about finance, sales and sales rep management at GE Capital, which was where I was exposed to Jack Welch’s business acumen. These experiences—plus co-founding several start-ups with international reach—taught me how to listen and be helpful.
Fun Facts
> My goal is to help 100 kids catch their first fish
> I'm passionate about equipping leaders to better build their business with a Kingdom impact
> I bought my wife a donkey as a Valentine’s present- Messaging – How to Connect with Investors and Your Customers - Crystal (9:00 to 9:30) & (1:00 to 1:30)
- Website Design to Turn Strangers into Customers - Amanda (9:30 to 10:00) & (1:30 to 2:00)
- Pre-Acquisition/Pre-Funding Due Diligence in the Digital Age - Chris (10 to 10:30) & (2:00 to 2:30)
- Building Your Digital Sales Pipeline – Multiple paths to success Chris (10:30 to 11:00) and (2:30 to 3:00)
- ROI Driven Growth – Develop a Cost Effective Plan to Achieve Your Revenue Projections Chris (11:00 to 11:30) & (3:00 to 3:30)
- Resources to Grow Your Business – How to find free online training, free or discounted software, and impactful concepts Chris (11:30 to 12:00) & (3:30 to 4:00)
- Open Q&A discussion of all things Digital - Guests choose the topic. Chris (12:00 to 1:00) & (4:00 to 5:00)